At Financial Intelligence Services Ltd. (FISL) and all associated and
subsidiary companies, we value all employees and job candidates as
unique individuals, and we welcome the variety of experiences they
bring to our company. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination
policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of
race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin,
native language, religion, age, disability, marital status,
citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other
characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been
discriminated against, please let your manager or Human Resources
Department know as soon as possible. Every complaint will be
appropriately investigated.
FISL and all associated and subsidiary companies has zero tolerance to
slavery and human trafficking and is committed to preventing slavery
and human trafficking in its corporate activities and to ensuring that
its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. In
order to identify and mitigate potential risk areas, including risk of
slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains, we operate a range
of policies and procedures, including the following:
The Group CFO monitors compliance with these policies,along with the
management board.
FISL and all associated and subsidiary companies, takes the position
that bribery and corruption are harmful to society, unethical,
unacceptable and are inconsistent with our values.
Our Values lie at the heart of the way we do things. To do the right
thing, the right way. Always. They drive our daily behaviors, guide
our decisions, and shape our character. They form the foundation of a
resilient culture ready to meet challenge with integrity, so we never
lose sight of our principal responsibility to protect the public
interest and the societies we live in. And they propel us forward —
through our work and the example we set — as we inspire confidence and
empower change throughout the world.
Our collective commitments, specific to anti-bribery and corruption,
These commitments reflect FISL’s position towards the UN Global
Compact, as well as the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against
Corruption – Principles for Countering Bribery.
FISL firms are required to adopt the Global Code of Conduct or where
the firm utilizes its own local Code, ensure that the local firm Code
is consistent with the core values of FISL and communicate it to their
FISL. and it’s subsidiaries has policies that all employees are
required to adopt concerning:
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