
Data Feeds




Access the latest insights to many Malaysia public and private companies to better understand their businesses. With the help of our big data processing and artificial intelligence, we bring timely data to your fingertips.

DIBots Bursa
A solution which helps you to better understand your Investment. Providing detailed trade demography and insight of the market and stocks.

DIBots Connects
Discover the inter-relationship between individuals, companies and other entities.

DIBots RCheck
Safeguard your Business Risk. Using up-to-date and accurate information help to protect your business against financial crime.

WVB Analysis

Coming soon
  • The Platform Beyond Your Needs.

    Our most comprehensive platform with millions of datasets providing you with the most in-depth information on:
    Company Analysis:
    WVB Analysis gives analysts the flexibility to build and scale analytics throughout their entire business network.

    • Leverage vast amounts of data to assemble comprehensive dashboards and reports.
    • Create and use custom graphs to identify business strengths and weaknesses.

    Industry Analysis
    Easily access in-build Industry Aggregates and Market KPIs efficiently and accurately.

    Our Economic Data add-on gives you access to our Global dataset that monitors and analyzes
    national economies and follows market movers with historical and real-time time series.

Transfer Pricing

Coming soon
  • Manage every step of the transfer pricing process effectively. Access WVB Transfer Pricing solutions that will assist you in monitoring and managing tax activities along with staying current with industry news.

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  • Industrial Data

    • WVB Master

      The WVB Master Database contains “as-reported” financial data in accordance with local accounting standards. Supplemental international accounting and US GAAP information, where reported, is also available going back over years. We collect all financial report types including interims, prelims and restatements.

    • WVB Analyst

      WVB Analyst is a standardized database derived from WVB Master, designed primarily for company comparison analysis.
      WVB Analyst enables analysis of companies across industries or countries, having harmonized the data for differences in country and accounting standards.

    • WVB Dossier

      WVB Dossier contains 200+ essential fundamental data items, key financial ratios, and growth metrics, as derived from the WVB Analyst database. WVB Dossier provides 10 years of companies’ annual and interim financial reporting data in a standard dataset. Non-financial company data – including business description, officers and directors, auditors, key competitors, and major shareholders – are also available. Where available data on business and geographic sales breakdowns are also included.

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    • WVB Trader

      WVB Trader contains 20 essential fundamental data items and key financial ratios, derived from WVB Analyst. WVB Trader provides six years of company annual reporting data in a standardized format. Two interim data items and non-financial data – including business description, officers and directors, auditors, and major shareholders – are also available.

    • WVB Quickview

      WVB Quickview contains 20 essential fundamental data items and key financial ratios, derived from WVB Analyst. WVB Quickview provides three years of company annual reporting data in a standardized format. Non-financial data – including business description, officers and directors, and auditors – are also available.
      Customized industrial companies’ profiles and financials with an instant look and feel of major indicators and trends perfect for your web view.

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    • WVB Tearsheet

      Customized industrial companies’ profiles and financials with an instant look and feel of major indicators and trends perfect for your web view.

    • WVB Geographical & Business Segmentation

      WVB Geographical & Business Segmentation collects major accounting elements that some companies report based on their geographical locations and business segmentation for industrial listed companies.
      WVB Geographical & Business Segmentation data reporting items include sales, net interest income, taxes, capital expenditures, depreciation, R&D, profits, assets and the number of employees.
      This information can be organized by “Client by Sales Location” or “Operational by Manufacturing Location”.

    Banking Data

    • WVB Bank Analyst

      WVB Bank Analyst is designed to support the comprehensive screening of bank exposure risk across peer, country and time constraints. WVB Bank Analyst features a custom report builder, allowing for interactive analysis and the creation of bespoke templates. Media reporting and other pertinent bank-related information have also been incorporated, lending opportunity for richer, more textured bank assessments.

    • WVB Bank Trader

      WVB Bank Trader contains over 20 essential fundamental data items – including key Basel III Pillar information – as derived from WVB Bank Analyst. WVB Bank Trader provides six years of banks’ annual reporting data in a standard dataset. Two interim data items and non-financial data – including business description, officers and directors, auditors, and major shareholders – are also available.

    Private Companies

    • WVB Private Companies Vietnam

      The WVB database provides data on over 1 million Vietnamese private companies of which 791,000 include financial data, business descriptions, officers and directors, auditors and shareholders. WVB collects, on an annual basis, all available data for companies submitting financial statements.

    • WVB Private Companies Malaysia

      The WVB database on Malaysian private companies includes data on approximately 600,000 Malaysian companies of which 402,000 have financial data, business descriptions, officers and directors, auditors, and shareholders. On an annual basis, WVB collects and processes full financial reports for the top 1,000 companies, and summary financial reporting for the top 100,000 companies. Additionally, WVB actively collects data for newly registered companies that have yet to file annual financial statements.

    • WVB Private Companies Thailand

      The WVB Thailand database provides data on over 1 million Thai private companies of which 912,000 include financial data, business descriptions, officers and directors, auditors and shareholders.
      For the top 10,000 private companies, WVB collects the full financial reports. Additionally, WVB actively collects data for newly registered companies that have yet to file annual financial statements.

    • WVB Private Companies India

      WVB’s database currently holds financial statements for over 34,000 Indian private companies as well as basic non-financial data for in excess of 1.9 million companies. On an annual basis, WVB collects the full financial reports for approximately 12,000 private companies, and basic non-financial data for newly registered companies.

    • WVB Private Companies Various

      WVB also collects a vast amount of basic, non-financial data on countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei and Papua New Guinea.


    • WVB Credit Risk Scoring

      WVB Credit Risk Scoring contains detailed analysis of a company’s creditworthiness and capacity to absorb debt, providing peer to peer comparisons, sub-ratings for factors and an overall proprietary scoring.

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    • WVB Business Risk Scoring

      WVB Business Risk Scoring is a comprehensive business-risk scoring worksheet of a company, providing peer to peer analysis and rating of major risk factors and an overall proprietary scoring

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    • WVB Sharia Compliance Scoring

      WVB Sharia Compliance Scoring is an analysis determining whether a company (and its subsidiaries), is “haram” (forbidden), and, conversely, to what extent it is “halal” (approved/allowed) under Islamic law. This unique dual rating system enables a flexible benchmarked comparison that can be used within different interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence.


    • WVB Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Data

      WVB ESG collects data pertaining to a variety of company governance-related issues, including board member biographies, shareholder meetings, and employee numbers. Where reported, WVB ESG also incorporates data on employee development, health, safety and security, energy consumption, gas emissions, waste, water consumption, and pollution control.

    Shareholders and Major Transactions

    WVB Shareholders and Major Transactions contain records of share transactions made by directors, institutions, and major shareholders for the past 15 years (dependent on market availability).

    The “Senate Stock Trade Feed”

    A new addition to WVB Shareholders and Major Transactions offerings – includes data on the sales and purchases of stocks, bonds and funds made by members of the United States Congress.

    Transfer Pricing

    • Manage every step of the transfer pricing process effectively. Access WVB Transfer Pricing solutions that will assist you in monitoring and managing tax activities along with staying current with industry news.

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    PEPs & Sanctions

    Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

    The WVB PEP list strives for the collection of data for a wide swath of prominent current or former government officials from around the world.

    National & Regional/State Chief Executives, Ministers, and Legislators

    National Judiciary Leaders

    Government Commission, Authority, or Statutory/Regulatory Board Members

    Armed Forces Senior Commanders

    Intelligence/Security & Law Enforcement Agency Senior Officials

    State-Owned Entity Executives

    Mayors/Municipal Public Officials

    Political Party Officials
    • WVB Sanctions

      The WVB Sanctions database captures information on individuals and entities culled from over 125 sanction and watch lists issued by governments, law enforcement agencies, industry regulators and professional associations worldwide. At its core, the database contains the major international and domestic sanctions regimes published by the the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank and U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). A wide selection of Southeast Asian-focused lists are also featured, making available data related to enforcement and disciplinary actions conducted by government agencies and financial/business regulators in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and elsewhere in the region.

    WVB Directors Biography

  • WVB Directors Biography includes a vast collection of executive personnel’s details from listed companies.
    The data is both tagged and untagged.
    The product provides you with the full history of work activities such as company name, positions and work duration

  • Delivery Methods

  • The Box

    WVB supplies its customers through a financial data feed, the depth of which is dependent on customer’s subscription package. To facilitate customer integration of WVB data into their environment, WVB offers a server (Box) charged to download data the from WVB delivery feed, and insert the data into a local database. The server is installed in the customer’s premises, and data can be updated on a daily or weekly basis. The server offers functionalities for recovering data automatically from the WVB delivery feed, and integrates monitoring tools to alert if problems occur.

  • CSV Flat Files

    Traditional, simple file where different lines of information are separated by a comma, hence the name Comma Separated Values.

  • PDF Reports

    WVB provide convenient and secure delivery to most of our products through single-product PDF report. You can benefit from a widely recognized format that is compatible with a variety of devices and platforms. This allows you to access a certain number of companies’ data without needing to purchase the entire database.

  • Contact Us

    Get in touch with us at World Vest Base if you're interested in learning about our data solutions. We welcome any inquiries you may have and can't wait to connect with you.

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